Monday, October 15, 2007

The Miracle Of Joei


These Hand and Feet Prints Below Are Shown Actual Size!

Can we say Sagittarius?
She was born just 2 hours after my birthdate at just 28 weeks gestation! Very, Very premature!!! She lived in an incubator for 2 1/2 months before being able to come home and still arrived to her bassinet 11 days before her due date to be born...
(A whole story in itself, I'll share with you in a bit)
For those interested in astrology Click Here to see her chart.
Note: She was given just a 4% chance of surviving even through the night...

To be honest, I believe my daughter to be born exactly when she chose. Another odd twist to this; is that, her "expected due date" was my very own conception date 30+ years prior, LOL!
How is that for timing?
Not to gross anyone out but, She was kinda' born twice even, as she came the traditional way and it was discovered she would be broken quite severely as she had turned herself quite around at the last minute (no longer head first) after partially entering the world the doctors literally pushed her back inside me to extract her via c-section. This first breath she took was a full 12 minutes later.

Now here we are, 25 days shy of her 4th Birthday
She is perfect, happy, and healthy in every way!
ps she has two older brothers :)

People who know our story say she is "Special" and here for a obvious "purpose"

My daughter is special in many ways...
She already has an intense spiritual focus.
She seems to have a teaching spirit within her.
She speaks with those not physically present to our environment.
[Trying to say this in a way that is not frightening, so as to not offend any reading this, LOL!]
She knows events that happened before her physical birth.
She knows events that have yet to happen.
She shows compassion at a level obsene to think of.
She is ALWAYS wearing a smile, even while hurt.. she finds laughter with ease!
Our family believes she expresses a TRUE greatfulness to experience Life...
and... One Day, I actually caught her, talking to the moon...

*In truth, I am blessed to have even been able to share a single breath with her on this earth...

Editing still, To be continued...

Copyright © 2007



Anonymous said...

You didn't mention the piercing clarity in her eyes! (I guess the picture says it for you, though, right?)

Anonymous said...

Your daughter has amazing energy around her . Very awakened child !! Her 3rd eye just opened to all to all her potentials....