Saturday, February 16, 2008

Asteroids - Plants and Flowers

372 Palma
458 Hercynia
637 Chrysothemis
759 Vinifera
943 Begonia
968 Petunia
970 Primula
973 Aralia
1054 Forsytia
1056 Azalea
1060 Magnolia
1061 Paeonia
1064 Aethusa
1066 Lobelia
1067 Lunaria
1072 Malva
1079 Mimosa
1080 Orchis
1081 Reseda
1082 Pirola
1083 Salvia
1085 Amaryllis
1087 Arabis
1091 Spiraea
1092 Lilium
1095 Tulipa
1097 Vicia
1100 Arnica
1101 Clematis
1103 Sequoia
1105 Fragaria
1218 Aster
1220 Crocus
1227 Geranium
1228 Scabiosa
1229 Tilia
1230 Riceia
1231 Auricula
1232 Cortusa
1233 Kobresia
1234 Elyna
1250 Galanthus
1251 Hedera
1319 Disa
3468 Urgenta
8652 Acacia


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