Saturday, December 15, 2007

Vocational Seven Step Program

Seven steps to finding your vocation in the horoscope
It is necessary to consider all chart factors when looking for vocation in the horoscope.

Step 1: The Hemispheres

Emphasis on the eastern (left) hemisphere: everything that concerns the "me" or "I" aspects of life

Emphasis on the western (right) hemisphere: everything that concerns the "you" aspects of life

Emphasis on the (top) day hemisphere: "what comes to the light"

Emphasis on the (bottom) night hemisphere: "what lies in the dark"

Step 2: Distribution of planets in the elements (triplicities)

The elements tell us something about the temperament of the horoscope person.

Emphasis on fire signs: corresponds to Intuitive Type - active, impulsive, enthusiastic, interested the meaning of things.

Emphasis on earth signs: corresponds to Sensation Type - practical, interested in realising things, perceives with the senses.

Emphasis on air signs: corresponds to the Thinking Type - intellectual, communicative, needs and provides mental stimulation.

Emphasis on water signs: corresponds to the Feeling Type - sensitive, empathic, sympathetic, profound, main motivation are emotions.

The polarities: Is there an emphasis on opposing elements? In what ways could they conflict, in what ways are they complementary?

Step 3: Distribution of planets in the qualities or modes (quadruplicities)

Cardinal: great activity and enthusiasm; danger of going over the top. Tendency toward leading positions and active professions.

Fixed: Stamina and stability; the horoscope person may lean towards a certain indolence. Tendency towards approved, routine professions.

Mutable: great flexibility and adaptability; difficulty in taking decisions. Tendency towards intellectual professions with a lot of variety.

Step 4: Planets in and rulers of the "professional" houses 2-6-10

2nd House: material security

6th House: work and health

10th House (MC): profession / vocation, position and reputation in society

Step 5: The Ascendant (AC), ruler of the AC and its aspects

Public appearance.

How does the person present himself/herself to others?

Which role does the person play?

How does he/she react to his/her environment?

The ruler of the ascendant shows the way and the areas in which the person wants to present himself/herself.

Step 6: The planets - their meanings in signs and houses, and their aspects

Sun: What is the central theme in life?

Moon: What does the person need to feel fulfilled and content?

Mercury: What is his/her mental attitude?

Venus: What are his/her artistic and social qualities?

Mars: In what areas does he/she use his/her energies? Where does he/she become active?

Jupiter: In which areas can the person expand and develop himself/herself?

Saturn: Where does he/she carry responsibilities and fulfils his/her duties? Where does he/she meet obstacles? What are his/her fears?

Uranus: Where does he/she show a need for variety and change? Where does he/she express his/her intuition, originality, sudden insights and impatience: Where does he/she show a need for variety and change? Where does he/she express his/her intuition, originality, sudden insights and impatience?

Neptune: In which areas does he/she use inspiration, instinct, sensitivity and imagination?

Pluto: Where does he/she express or feel control, power and powerlessness?

Step 7: The Nodal Axis / Moon's Nodes

The Moon's Nodes can add to the knowledge about a person's development. This axis is related to the relationship between personal social developments. Therefore, aspects to the nodal axis can give interesting insights on this issue. Especially important are planets conjuncting the North or South Node.

*The above was taken from How to Find your Vocation in the Horoscope
by Beatrix Braukmüller

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