Saturday, December 15, 2007



Vesta signifies alienation and separation from and denial of personal relationships; anchoring in stability; ascetism; aspiration; avoidance of marriage and children; the balancing out of excessive emotionalism (where indicated elsewhere in the figure) or deficient self-esteem; barrenness; the binding of groups of people having a common belief; celibacy; chastity; clearing away of débris; commitment; conservatism; contracts; credibility; dedication (to causes, careers, or service); delay of desires by responsibilities; devotion and devotional activities; exercise; extremism; fanaticism; fear of intimacy and commitment; fertility; focus and centredness; frigidity; health; heritage; hospitality; impotence; initiation; inner strength; liberated or discriminating sexuality; meditation; nutrition; the perception and use of physical space and of the home; personal integration; personal routines; prayer; preparation for new growth; preservation of what is important; promiscuity; prostitution; protection; psychic development; purification; purity; retreat; religious activities; religious and magical ceremony; ritual; the transmutation of karma through dharma; safety; sanctuary; scholastic interests; security; self-containment and self-reliance; self-discipline; self-regeneration; seniority; service and servitude; sex outside committed relationships; sexual fears, guilt and inadequacies; solemnity; sterility; sublimation or transmutation of sexual energies in devotional, intellectual, mental, physical or work outlets; tradition; treaties; virginity; voluntary simplicity; vows; warmth; willing sacrifice (especially to reach goals); 'workaholism'; work motivated by personal alienation or compensation; and zealousness.

It is associated with acolytes; altars; ancestral care; assistants to priests; caretakers; ceramics; ceremonial objects; club members; deer; donkeys; esoteric, fraternal or sororal orders; fences; fire as used for human benefit; the Fire element; heart fires; gurus; hearts; houses; ibises; illuminators; keepers of traditions and of esoteric and religious teachings; keys; lamps; laurel trees; light bearers; locks; masons; monks; nightingales; nuns; oak trees; the pineal gland; pornography; priests and priestesses; professors; religious orders; Rosicrucians; safes; scholars; scribes; secret societies and orders; service groups; slow, steady animals; social groups; spiders; teachers; and zealots. Its glyph represents the Hearth Fire; and its symbols include eternal flames; five-pointed stars; flaming altars; torches; and tripods.

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